Welcome to the new Tri-State Tour page. Check back often for updates and information about upcoming tournaments and events!
We are proudly sponsored by Storm Bowling and Roto Grip!
Going forward for any additional tournaments, I am only going to accept pre-registrations with full pre-payment to guarantee spots for our tournaments. All entries will come in priority of first “X” payments based on the size of the center. The preferred method of payment is through PayPal. There is a link in the Contact section of our site, or you can directly send money to tristatetour@gmail.com. Send the money via “Friends and Family” to avoid any processing charges. I will also accept cash prepayment but be sure to get those in asap because I will only accept the first “X” that I receive. No exceptions. Please help spread the word to anyone who may not follow us on social media or check the site regularly.

Past Results
Points and Standings
Overall tournament standings, bracket results, and champions from prior tournaments.
Monthly listing of points and averages for the TST.
Miscellaneous information - Pre-registration forms, tournament flyers, various tournaments in the area, etc.